Herr Stultjens hatte sich aufgrund von Prostatakrebs einer Prostataoperation unterzogen. Obwohl die Operation erfolgreich war und der Krebs stabil blieb, kämpfte er mit einem anhaltenden Problem: Urinverlust. „Beim Radfahren mit einem normalen Fahrradsattel hatte ich beim Absteigen sofort einen unhaltbaren und nicht wahrnehmbaren Urinverlust, weil der Druck des Dammes auf die Blase sofort weg war“, sagt er. Diese unangenehme Situation machte das Radfahren, eine Aktivität, die Herr Stultjens häufig mit seiner Frau ausübt, zu einer Herausforderung.

Auf der Suche nach einer Lösung

Daher beschloss er, dass es an der Zeit war, eine Lösung zu finden. Er hatte von speziellen Sätteln gehört, die den Damm entlasten, sich aber nie näher damit befasst. „Als ich vor einem halben Jahr anfing, nach dem Absteigen vermehrt unter spontanem Urinverlust zu leiden, begann ich, mich im Internet über diese Art von Sätteln zu informieren, indem ich einfach ‚Sattel Prostata‘ eingab. Über Marktplaats fand Herr Stultjens einen gebrauchten ISM-Tourensattel, der bereits einige Verbesserungen bot. Dennoch war die Seitenstabilität nicht optimal.

Die Auswahl für Velopro

The search for an even better solution finally brought him to Velopro. „I found the website very professional and that gave a lot of confidence. For me that was more than enough to drive from Breda to Dirksland for it,“ he says. The choice of Velopro was reinforced by the personal attention and expertise he found there. „The reception and approach at Velopro were so good and promising that I didn’t consider other products and brands.“

Professional guidance

At Velopro, Mr. Stultjens was welcomed by Bas. „Bas‘ explanation, partly based on a model of the bone structure of the human body and the pressure of the sit bones on the saddle, made choosing the right saddle easy,“ he recalls. The saddle was expertly fitted and adjusted after a test ride. „Through his explanations, I was able to fit the most optimal position myself on some longer rides at home,“ he adds.

The joy of cycling is fully back

The new saddle exceeded his expectations. „The saddle meets my expectations more than 100 percent. I no longer have any urine loss at all and I can simply get off after a ride and go to the toilet without rushing,“ says a relieved Mr. Stultjens. The pleasure of cycling was completely back.

Experience with Velopro

He looks back very positively on his experience with Velopro. „Velopro is professional, customer-friendly, and the contact was excellent,“ he says. Still, there was one small point of improvement: the toilet facility at the Dirksland location. „It was a bit substandard, clean though, but at the very back of the store and shared with the garage next door,“ he notes.


Mr. Stultjens found at Velopro the perfect solution for his problem with urine leakage while cycling. Thanks to the expert guidance and the high-quality saddle, he can now enjoy his bike rides carefree again. „If I had not discovered the ISM saddle, I, as well as my wife, would no longer have been able to take really nice bike rides. So one saddle can make two people happy,“ he concludes.

ISM Berkley Sattel

Ursprünglicher Preis war: €169.95Aktueller Preis ist: €135.96. ink. MwSt.